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The Manipulator

Due to the relatively high number of tasks that require fine maneuvering of subsea items, such as replacing a damaged section of an inter-array cable and repairing the damaged area of the offshore aquaculture fish pen, WhaleTech Robotics opted to develop a manipulator, that is both reliable and versatile.

With help from a former member of 404 Engineering, the manipulator design was originally able to be based on the use of two NEMA 17 stepper motors (Automation Direct: STP-MTR-17040W). These stepper motors are capable of 0.43 Newtons per meter of lift force which was unfortunately lower than the optimal lift force for competition.

The Cameras

The WhaleTech robot uses three Explore HD 2.0 Underwater ROV/AUV USB cameras to provide visual information to our Pilots and our autonomous programs. These cameras are positioned with one always facing forward, one pointing downward, and one placed on our arm. Since these cameras are USB, we are more easily able to process the camera data for autonomous programs, as these cameras can directly interface with our onboard Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi is then able to send the camera data up to our computer on land, ready for the autonomous programs that require the camera, such as flying the transect, creating the photomosaic, and mapPing the fish pen.

Submersible Connectors

Whale ll uses a combination of Bulgin sealed waterproof connectors as they offer secure, watertight connections that can withstand harsh environments during the testing and use of the ROV. Utilizing the connectors allowed for a detachable tether and for the two onboard control boxes to be compartmentalized without interfering with the communication aspect of thrusters and signals. Utilizing the connectors allows the teams to disconnect the onboard control box during troubleshooting with ease and minimizes downtime and loss of practice. In addition, the connectors were donated, minimizing additional expenses for the company.

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